February 2020 Issue: Co-operator Newsletter Quarterly Issue

Thank You Healthcare Professionals

Thank You Healthcare Professionals
Caption: Thank You Healthcare Professionals

Students in some Coop Clubs have been busy this week.  Initiated and led by the Singapore National Co-operative Federation Campus and Youth (C&Y) team, these students have been packing hampers and penning notes of appreciation in self-made thank you cards as a form of encouragement to healthcare professionals. The students wanted to show our healthcare professionals that Singaporeans do stand with them and support them in this trying time. 

"Thank you for your hard work and perseverance, we really appreciate all of you. Inside the hamper are some goodies for you to munch. Hope you enjoy them. Love ~ 
Edgefield Secondary School."


Dylan penned: "For your efforts!!! Stay strong!!! Ignore the haters. We will always support you!" 

"Thanks for being brave to step up although people judge you :(. ...Thanks once again for saving lives,"  said Kathy.

Check out our social media for updates on this initiative where students show their care and love for the healthcare professionals and frontline personnel in other fields. 

GP+ Co-operative has also launched an initiative, "Send your care and love" to the healthcare professionals in the private sector. They encourage people to give words of encouragement which will be published in their website.

They also advise people to use the mask effectively and efficiently only when one is not well.

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Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents majority of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.