By Maggi Lim, edited by Sng Ler Jun
On 23 September 2022, the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) welcomed 13 members from the Movement Cooperative Network (MCN) and Silangan Multi-Purpose Cooperative, marking the first overseas co-operative delegation visiting the sunny island after more than two years.
Co-hosted with Seacare Co-operative and Singapore Government Staff Credit Co-operative Society (SGS Credit Co-operative), the Philippines delegation visited Seacare Co-operative’s premises as well as embarked on a study tour of Seacare Hotel’s guest rooms, sky bar and other dining establishments.
SNCF’s Assistant CEO Ms Adeline Kee introduced the Singapore Co-operative Movement and the role SNCF plays as apex body of the Movement, while Mr John Raghavan, Chairman of SGS Credit Co-operative and an SNCF EXCO member, painted the landscape of credit co-operatives in Singapore. Delegations from both coutries then proceeded to shed light on their co-operatives’ operating models.
Meanwhile, Ms Shena Foo, Director of Seacare Co-operative and Chairperson of SNCF Exco Service Sector, gave an introduction of Seacare Co-op’s local and overseas business operations. Seacare Co-operative hosted the delegation to a tour of the Seacare hotel facility they gained insights into the Seacare Co-operative’s operations.
The delegation left with knowledge of the range and impact of the initiatives the co-ops here offer, as well as a deeper understanding of the Singapore Co-operative Movement.
Below, snapshots of what went on that day:
The delegation from Movement Cooperative Network (MCN) and Silangan Multi-Purpose Cooperative posted a group photo with the host from Seacare Co-op, Ms Shena Foo (centre) and SGS Co-op, Mr John Raghavan (center right)
Ms Shena Foo sharing with the delegation on Seacare Co-op’s local and overseas business operations.
The visit ended with a networking session which was held at Seacare Hotel’s Club@52.