By Lim Yih Ching, Edited by Sng Ler Jun
On 7 November, the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) and the NTUC FairPrice Co-operative welcomed 15 co-operative leaders from the Mercosur countries.
Integrated 22 years ago, the group of co-operatives of the Mercosur (RECM) comprises co-operative representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. RECM has previously organised commercial delegations with the Mercosur’s co-operatives to South African countries and Israel in 2018 and 2019. The joint delegation this year saw these co-operative leaders embarking on a two-week trade visit to India, Singapore and the Philippines, as well as attending the regional conference of the International Co-operative Alliance in Asia and Pacific (ICA-AP) on the 6 to 10 November in Manila, the Philippines.
In her welcome address, SNCF’s Assistant CEO, Ms Adeline Kee, shared on the changing landscape of the Singapore Co-operative Movement.
Mr Irving Lim, Group Category Manager of NTUC FairPrice Co-operative and former SNCF scholar, gave a broad sharing on NTUC FairPrice Group Co-op and its ESG initiatives. Ms Layanne Vasconcellos, Business Analyst of the Organisation of the Brazilian Cooperatives and Teodoro, Coordinator of Market and Economy of the Cooperatives of Parana, also presented on the co-operative movement in Brazil. The parties affirmed their commitment to the core mission of co-operatives and discussed about the potential to establish import-export relations.
Ms Evelyn Siow (SeaCare Co-operative), also an SNCF Executive Council Member, echoed the message of upholding the long-standing spirit of co-operatives in her closing address. The hosting was concluded with a networking brunch and a tour of the SeaCare Hotel where the delegates learned more about SeaCare Hotel’s business operations.