December 2021 Issue: Co-operator Newsletter Quarterly Issue

Highlights from the 33rd World Co-operative Congress In Seoul, South Korea

Highlights from the 33rd World Co-operative Congress In Seoul, South Korea
Caption: Highlights from the 33rd World Co-operative Congress In Seoul, South Korea

A year since the pandemic, delegates from around the world finally got the chance to gather for the 33rd World Co-operative Congress, which took place in Seoul, South Korea, between 1 and 3 December 2021.


On the first day, delegates saw South Korea's President Moon Jae-In praising the cooperative movement's role in promoting social responsibility across communities on the first day.

From sharing about the unique opportunities the cooperative identity presents in meeting members' needs to how policy-led strategies for cooperatives can build partnerships with governmental bodies to create new laws and improve the business environment, the congress strove to deepen and strengthen the cooperative values and principles, especially during today's troubled times.

Ending off day one of the congress, the Director-General of the International Labour Organisation emphasised the role cooperatives have to better the needs of the people. 


On the second day, the conversation on how co-operatives can strengthen the cooperative identity amidst tough times resumed.

Some of the discussions include how we can leverage the digital space to bolster social entrepreneurism, maximise opportunities offered by the digital environment (such as hosting phygital events), and the power cooperatives have to enable sustainble livelihoods and make trade fair.


The third day of the congress opened with confusion in the midst. Despite a confirmed COVID-19 case, organisers were swift to pause the event some time in the afternoon, following state regulations and protocols from the health ministry. 

For those who have spoken, discussions centered on living the cooperative identity through integrated health and social care and how the seventh cooperative principle of care for our community calls on us to tackle the climate, energy and housing crisis together.

 For more stories, check out: 

Stronger cooperatives, stronger communities

Enhanced food security

Living our cooperatives identity for the best of SDGs

Survival of the planet

The cooperative identity can tackle global challenges through fairness, inclusion and innovation

By Sng Ler Jun 

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Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents majority of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.