December 2020 Issue: Co-operator Newsletter Quarterly Issue

Emerging Stronger In The New Normal

Emerging Stronger In The New Normal
Caption: Emerging Stronger In The New Normal
On 16 November, the Registry of Co-operative Societies, together with the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF), organised the Emerging Stronger Conversation for Co-operatives (ESC). Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of State (MOS) for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, hosted 30 co-operators from the four co-operative sectors, i.e. credit, service, NTUC and campus. There was a robust exchange of ideas, which included challenges and opportunities brought by COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the resources the co-operatives need to be future ready.

The ESC session also generated suggestions how co-operatives could further contribute and play a larger role in post-COVID-19 Singapore. To quote one co-operator presenting his group’s viewpoint, “Co-operatives changed the world in the past” and “SG Together means co-operation and we have the numbers!”. Indeed, we, co-operators, when band together, can create more - more value, more opportunity, more impact to society.

Emerging Stronger Conversation for Co-operatives

As highlighted by the co-operators in the ESC session, co-operatives would need resources to help them to accelerate the pace of digitalisation. The sharing session on Digital Reboot Programme, which was held on 19 November, came in handy.  A collaboration with NTUC LearningHub Co-operative, the session covered topics on Process Automation, Digital Marketing, and Data Processes and Visualisation.

More than 30 participants logged into the session which provided insights to in-classroom training and implementation, as well as consultation and workplace learning during the execution phase of an organisation’s digital transformation journey.

The speakers shared that one of the biggest challenges faced by small organisations is lack of knowledge and resources in the implementation stage. Whilst organisations wish to digitise their business operations, many struggle to get it started. Staff who  attended the training were often unable to implement the plans as many had to multi-task and attend to their day-to-day duties at the same time. These new tracks offered by NTUC LearningHub Co-operative were specially designed to help small SMEs and organisations execute their digital transformation, as they include relevant licences, playbook implementation and 24 manhours of consultancy services. Co-operators who wish to explore further could approach their Relationship Manager for discussion.

Digital Reboot Programme
Apart from digitalisation, it is equally important to engage employees especially in today’s environment where the pandemic has impacted physical interactions, productivity and performance. Employee engagement has been called the “Wonder Drug” for driving business growth and profits and its importance cannot be underestimated as human resource has always been an organisation’s greatest asset.

To help affiliates better navigate in this environment, SNCF collaborated with Whyze Solutions to deliver an online sharing session on New Normal for HR: Achieving Employee Engagement on 22 October. Many employers misunderstood employee engagement as employee satisfaction or happiness when it actually means the emotional commitment of the employee to the organisation and its goals.

Employee engagement is especially challenging in today’s new workplace with social distancing at workplace and employees working remotely coupled with a diverse demographic workforce of employees which comprises veterans, baby boomers, generation X, Y and Z. There is no “one size fits all” as different profiles of the workforce have different aspirations. More than 30 co-operators attended the online session which helped them to better understand the key to achieving employee engagement i.e. to accept individuality, build meaningful connections and communicate with purpose.

New Normal for HR: Achieving Employee Engagement

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Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents majority of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.