February 2021 Issue: Co-operator Newsletter Quarterly Issue

Changes to the CCF PDPA Grant

Changes to the CCF PDPA Grant
Caption: Changes to the CCF PDPA Grant

The Central Co-operative Fund (CCF) Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) Grant aims to support co-operatives in complying with their legal obligations under the PDPA, so as to enhance trust and confidence in co-operatives. There are serious consequences to data breaches and contraventions of the PDPA, for instance, financial penalties, reputational damage, and business disruption. Therefore, co-operatives are strongly encouraged to take immediate action on PDPA compliance and tap on the PDPA Grant (valid till 31 Mar 2023) to defray the associated costs.

The PDPA Grant was implemented on 1 April 2020. The PDPA Grant has been revised with effect from 1 February 2021, following a joint review by SNCF, as the CCF Secretariat, and the Registry of Co-operative Societies.

The key changes to the PDPA Grant are as follows:

Before 1 February 2021

From 1 February 2021

  • Applicable to credit co-operatives only

  • Applicable to all co-operatives

  • Qualifying expenses incurred to achieve compliance with the PDPA and related regulations:

  1. consultancy and audit;

  2. legal advice; and

  3. application fees and assessment fees for the IMDA Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM)

  • Qualifying expenses incurred to achieve compliance with the PDPA and related regulations:

  1. training;

  2. consultancy and audit;

  3. legal advice; and

  4. application fees and assessment fees for the DPTM

  • The Co-operative is not receiving or has not received any grant from a government agency and/or other organisation for the same expense item.

  • The Co-operative is eligible to apply for 80% of the unfunded balance amount of expense under the PDPA Grant where the expense item is partly funded by other grant(s).

The funding quantum and caps for the PDPA Grant are specified below:

PDPA Grant

Funding Quantum

Capped at
(Per Co-op)

Valid till 31 Mar 2023

  • Credit co-ops - to co-fund qualifying PDPA expenses incurred from 1 Apr 2019; and

  • Non-credit co-ops - to co-fund qualifying PDPA expenses incurred from 1 Feb 2021

80% of the actual expenditure

No DPTM certification: $30,000

DPTM certification: $40,000

For more information on the PDPA Grant such as prerequisites and conditions, application process, and required supporting documents, please visit https://www.sncf.coop/affiliates-directory/ccf-grant/ccf-special-grants


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Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents majority of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.